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Happy National Popcorn Day!

Although, who needs a reason to celebrate popcorn?! This crunchy, addictive snack can also be a healthy alternative to junk food if you prepare it the right way. That means no microwaved pre-packaged popcorn with "real" (ahem, fake!) butter product! There are methods for making homemade microwaved or stove-popped popcorn that can't be beat.


For microwaved popcorn, put 1/4 cup of regular popcorn kernels in a paper bag and fold down the bag opening twice. Microwave for 1 and 1/2 to 2 minutes, and you've got popcorn! If you notice that the kernels stop popping every 1 to 2 seconds, then take the bag out earlier to prevent burning.

Another delicious way to prepare popcorn is on your stove top. Get out a medium pot that has a lid and a handle and pour enough vegetable or canola oil to cover the bottom with about 1/8 inch of oil. Throw in 3 popcorn kernels, put the lid on, turn the heat to medium, and wait. Once you've heard the kernels pop, then you know the pot is hot enough. Pour in enough popcorn kernels so that they are just covered by the oil, replace the lid, and stand by for popping! As you hear the kernels pop, gently shake the pan to help the un-popped kernels reach the bottom. As popping continues, you may see the lid start to rise -- have a bowl nearby to catch the emerging kernels! Continue gently shaking the pot until popping stops. Yum!

Some favorite ways to enjoy popcorn include topping it with pepper and olive oil or with salt and brewer's yeast, which gives a cheesy, buttery taste. What's your favorite popcorn topping?

And it's always a good idea to watch out for those old maids that didn't get popped! Biting into a hard popcorn kernel can crack or chip teeth, so eat with care. And be sure to floss afterwards -- popcorn hulls can easily get stuck in between teeth and gums, causing pain and soreness if not removed. Just a friendly reminder from your Greenville, SC, dentist and staff at Jacques Dentistry! :)

Tell us about your favorite way to prepare and enjoy popcorn. Happy popping!

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