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Toothsavers gaming app provides education and fun

Looking for a new educational and entertaining game for your kids? Download the "Toothsavers" app for your mobile devices! The game aims to encourage children to brush their teeth for two minutes, twice a day. Children are tasked with rescuing fairy tale characters from an evil, cavity-creating sorceress who cast a wicked teeth rotting spell on a the fairy tale kingdom!

The app also features a toothbrushing companion tool for kids and parents to keep track of brushing progress, as well as reminders to brush in the morning and evening.

Toothsavers is a fun way to get kids thinking about their teeth and oral health at a young age and a great way to promote health, education, and well-being.

Check out this video for a preview of the game!



American Dental AssociationAcademy Of General Dentistry