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Happy Toothsday from Jacques Dentistry!

Did you know....

Pocket gophers' teeth grow up to 15 inches a year!?!

toothsday gopher


Gophers use their front teeth to chew on lots of tough roots and sometimes even to dig through the dirt. Since their teeth are a type of tool for them, it's no surprise that their teeth wear away over time. Luckily for gophers, their teeth are constantly growing so that they can maintain them for functional usage.

Humans aren't so lucky (or maybe we are lucky that our teeth don't grow longer!), so don't use your teeth as tools! Human teeth wear away from using them as tools or from habits such as grinding. Once our tooth structure is worn away, it's gone! We can restore worn teeth with bonding, crowns, and veneers, but it is much better to just protect your teeth from the start!

So take care of your teeth and protect them from wear. If your teeth suffer from wear, talk to Jacques Dentistry about restoring them and/or making a protective nightguard (aka occlusal guard) to prevent further damage.

American Dental AssociationAcademy Of General Dentistry