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Happy Good Food For Your Teeth Month (aka June)!

Say what? Well, certain foods and drinks are recognized every month and designated "National _____ Month." The month of June just happens to be

  • National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
  • National Dairy Month
  • National Iced Tea Month

among other things! Did you know that some of the best foods for your teeth are vegetables, fruits, and dairy products like cheese and yogurt. The beverages that help make your teeth healthy include milk and tea! So with all this celebrating of these foods and drinks this month, you can help your teeth be better than ever!

dental bites good food bad food

So what are the benefits? Fruits and vegetables are full of fiber and their texture helps to scrub the surfaces of your teeth, which removes plaque. The chewing process associated with these fiber-rich foods also stimulates saliva, which is a natural protector against acids and sugars. Dairy products contain calcium that helps to strengthen your teeth; and cheese specifically is known to stimulate salivary glands. As for tea, while drinking excessive amounts of tea can lead to teeth staining, moderate consumption is beneficial due to the polyphenols in tea that protect against cavity causing bacteria.

We know you've heard it before, but it never hurts to be reminded that sugary candy and soft drinks can wreck your teeth! Sticky candies make sure that sugar stays stuck on your teeth and soft drinks bathe your teeth in sugar and acids. Some less recognized cavity culprits are wine and medications, which can lead to dental problems in a less obvious way: wine and medications dry out your mouth. Without adequate salivary flow, your mouth lacks the natural protective properties of saliva and is at greater risk of tooth decay and infections.

Oh, and I guess we can't go without mentioning that it does happen to be National Candy Month, too... No joke. Hopefully all of the great choices between fruits, vegetables, dairy, and tea will outweigh any candy that you do consume! Just make sure that you rinse well with water after eating candy and stick to your oral care routine, and I guess we'll give you a pass this month! ;)


American Dental AssociationAcademy Of General Dentistry